The Department of Trade and Industry Region 4A (DTI-4A) and Laguna Provincial Office (DTI-Laguna) continue to assess compliance of private emission testing centers with existing implementing rules and regulations.

Joint assessment of DTI-4A and DTI-Laguna on compliance of PETCs

In compliance with the Department Administrative Order No. 03, s. 2002 (DAO 3:2002) or the “Rules and Regulations concerning the issuance of DTI Accreditation of Motor Vehicle Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs)”, DTI-4A and DTI-Laguna conducted onsite assessments of PETCs in the municipalities of Bay, Victoria, and Pila, Laguna, on September 23, 2022.

The team inspected the compliance of PETCs with regard to the requirements of DAO 03:2002, including competency of technicians, infrastructure, and work environment. ♦

Date of Release: 7 October 2022