The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon through the Negosyo Center Gumaca, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Gumaca, conducted a webinar for the consumers of Gumaca, Quezon entitled “Consumerism”. The topics discussed were consumer rights and responsibilities, consumer protection in internet transactions, and fair trade laws.

The Negosyo Center in Gumaca, Business Counselor, hosted the program. The resource speakers, namely Philip Leee J. Oliveros and Ruel Y. Gabiola, shared their expertise and knowledge by providing presentation slides, brief and accurate explanations, and by providing information materials for the webinar participants.
For the closing remarks, the DTI Quezon’s Officer-in-Charge for Consumer Protection Lani O. Constantino gave a meaningful message and thanks to the Rotary Club of Gumaca and webinar participants. ♦
Date of Release: 16 November 2021