The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon, consisting of Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Provincial Coordinator Ma. Graciela C. Ledesma and Negosyo Center Tayabas City Business Counselor Jon Emilou M. Encomienda, conducted the first workshop as part of the 2022 Capacity Building Training Series for Kalipi Tayabas Federation (garments manufacturing) and Rural Improvement Club Cooperative (processed food) of Tayabas City. In this session, it was all about making the Manual of Operations for participants.

NC Tayabas City BC Encomienda started the program with an opening prayer, followed by Shaira Anne Budoy, Planning Officer from the City Planning Office of LGU-Tayabas, as she delivered her opening remarks for the workshop. SSF Provincial Coordinator Ledesma gave an overview of the program. After that, each group did some brainstorming simultaneously to make their business plan and manual of operations. Negosyo Center (NC) Tayabas City Business Counsellor (BC) Encomienda and Planning Officer Budoy guided the RICC while Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Provincial Coordinator Ledesma guided the Kalipi.

After the meeting and consolidation of ideas, both groups come up with the same output as their business plan and manual of operations. NC Tayabas City BC Encomienda presented the final output for the Rural Improvement Club Cooperative (RICC) and SSF Provincial Coordinator Ledesma presented the output of Kalipi. Both groups were satisfied with their final output. After the presentation, Ms. Mary Lou Tabi, KALIPI President, expressed her gratitude to the DTI-Quezon and LGU-Tayabas for their continuous assistance. The program ended after the closing remarks of SSF Provincial Coordinator Ledesma as she appreciated the efforts of both groups to join and their willingness to capacitate the federation and cooperative and to further develop what has been started and given to them. ♦
Date of Release: 27 June 2022