Santa Maria, Laguna — The Department of Trade and Industry – Laguna Provincial Office (DTI-Laguna), through the Negosyo Center Santa Maria, conducted a Webinar on Business Continuity Workshop on July 15, 2020, Wednesday, 2:00 to 4:30 pm via Zoom and Facebook Live.

Senior Negosyo Center Business Counsellor Joemarie Valizado welcomed the guests and participants after her short opening prayer.   Then, she introduced the resource speaker, Mr. Nicanor Satur, Jr., to the participants. Satur started his discussion by giving more of his background information and asked the participants about their business activity and the problems they have encountered during the quarantine period.  After hearing the response, he asked if they have an existing business plan and found out that most of the participants have none.

Satur started to discuss the importance of having a Business Plan, especially a Business Continuity Plan, and explained the Business Continuity Process, then proceeded to the Business Impact Analysis, what to do and how to create strategy and plan.  Afterwards, he gave the 10 tips on how to bounce forward.

The 4 Proven Marketing Strategies to Improve Sales amidst the Pandemic were discussed thoroughly which include the Blue Ocean Implementation, Integration and Collaboration, Automation, and Problem Solution. Satur ended his lecture with Knowing their Customers’ Behavior.

All in all, there has been an active interaction with the resource speaker and the participants, and the micro entrepreneurs who have joined the Webinar find it really helpful in restarting their business operations amidst the pandemic.  A total of 12 existing Laguna micro, small, and medium enterprises were seen participating in Zoom and roughly 1,700 Facebook users were reached via Facebook Live on the same day.                The participants expressed their gratitude toward the conduct of the event and gave an excellent and satisfactory rating on the Client Satisfaction Survey in aspects such as clear and accurate information, accomplished purpose and objectives, and met service expectation. ♦

Date of Release: 27 July 2020