On the fifth year of the Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI) participation to the World Consumer Rights Day Celebration, DTI-Quezon marked its contribution by conducting an E-forum. Ms. Julieta L. Tadiosa the Provincial Director opened the celebration with the inspiration to collaborate together as responsible consumers to be a part of the the solution to the world’s plastic pollution problem.
Aligning with the year’s theme “Tackling Plastic Pollution,” the office’s engagement and partnership in the Tayo and Kalikasan – Sustainable Regreening and the Art of Composting (TAK-SRAC) project implementation was featured as one of the highlights in the presentation. The TAK-SRAC initiated by Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (DENR-PENRO) with the Federation of Lucena Homeowners Association Inc. (FHLAI) in 2019 was intended to solve garbage issues in the city through garden competition. The presentation was made by Mr. Galo C. Martinez Jr. Chief, Management Services Division of DENR-PENRO who led the TAK-SRAC project implementation.
Bamboo solutions to plastic pollution was another presentation made during the forum with the bamboo expert Mr. Gregorio E. Santos Jr. as the presenter.
A review of the Solid Waste Management Law was discussed by Mr. Carmelo Lawas of DENR-Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) to refresh the participants on how to address the issues on solid waste. And complementing the theme on tackling plastic pollution a discussion on consumer awareness on rights and responsibilities was made by DTI-Trade Industry Development Specialist (TIDS) Mr. Ruel Y. Gabiola who emphasized also the right to a healthy environment and environmental awareness responsibility.
Ms. Lani O. Constantino the Officer-in-Charge of the Consumer Protection Division moderated the event celebration. This activity had a total of 71 on-line participants and generated support from various organizations and agencies in Quezon province such as the Quezon Federation Union of Cooperatives (QFUC), Federation of Lucena Homeowners Association Inc. (FLHAI), Lucena City Cooperative Development Council (LCCDC), Lucena City Tourism Office, Provincial Tourism Office, Philippine Information Agency, DENR-PENRO and Radyo Pilipinas-DWLC.
Ms. Eduarda Porte, Secretary of FLHAI extended her appreciation for being part of the World Consumer Rights Day celebration and affirmed continued support of their organization for future inter-agency projects addressing community issues and needs.♦
Date of Release: 12 April 2021