Marites Mascareñas, owner of Tropical Papilionidae, prepares the pupa for export.

Tropical Papilionidae is a remarkable enterprise who has not only built a successful business venture but has also empowered communities through butterfly conservation.

Starting with only Php 15,000.00 as initial capital in 2007, over the years, they have achieved tremendous growth and success.

To date, Tropical Papilionidae has gained an impressive reputation with over 130 sub-breeders they have developed due to export requirements from various clients around the world. Their ability to meet the demands of clients from Russia, France, and even Africa speaks volumes about their dedication. Currently, about 4,000 pupae were exported per week, ensuring quality and commitment to excellence.

Tropical Papilionidae’s advice to never give up and focus on clients’ requirements is invaluable. In today’s competitive market, it is essential to prioritize customer satisfaction. By going above and beyond to meet their needs, you will not only secure loyal clientele but one can also expand their network through positive word-of-mouth.

Furthermore, Tropical Papilionidae’s willingness to do whatever it takes, even if it means selling some possessions during the pandemic just to make ends meet, demonstrates an unwavering determination and resilience. This level of dedication sets them apart from others in the industry. Tropical Papilionidae’s story serves as a testament that with passion, perseverance, and customer-centric approach success can be achieved against all odds.

With the Department of Trade and Industry-Marinduque Provincial Office’s assistance, Tropical Papilionidae, has been equipped with adequate skills and know-how on export strategies and branding. ♦

Date of release: 15 May 2024