Ms. Crissa E. Arios discusses the Basics of Bookkeeping to participants on 20 October 2018 in Cabarroguis, Quirino.

The Department of Trade and Industry – Quirino Provincial Office, through the Negosyo Center Business Counselors (NC BC), conducted various skills trainings during the month of October this year.

The talents of the NC BCs were optimized as they were both the training organizers and resource speakers.

Ms. Crissa E. Arios, NCBC of Maddela, Quirino capacitated 11 members of the Sto. Domingo Tribal Workers Association through an Entrepreneurial Training on Basic Bookkeeping and Management Process, Planning and Control on 20 October 2018 in Cabarroguis, Quirino. The training aimed to help the participants improve the management and operation of their business.

Meanwhile, 25 members of the Dibul Rural Improvement Club (RIC) attended the Skills Training on Paper Bag and Basket Weaving cum Entrepreneurial Training on October 18-19, 2018 in Saguday, Quirino. The training was organized by Ms. Kristine L. Domingo, NCBC of Saguday who served as resource speaker on the Basics of Entrepreneurship. A KMME graduate Ms. Ritzel B. Dela Cruz, owner of Artiz FAD Enterprises from Nagtipunan, Quirino served as trainer, while Ms. Joyce Marie E. Reyno, DTI Quirino SSF technical staff, discussed Product Costing and Pricing.

Participants are engaged during the Training on Bag Making and Basket Weaving on 18-19 October 2018 in Saguday, Qurino.

On her part, Cabarroguis NCBC Jonalyn Abon facilitated the conduct of a training on NC II Driving in collaboration with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) on October 6, 2018 in Cabarroguis, Quirino. The training was given to 17 participants including six drug surrenderees to equip them with the desirable skills and attitudes of land transport light vehicle driver in accordance with industry standards. The participants were also taught the regulatory requirements of regulatory bodies.

The NC BCs man Negosyo Centers which are responsible for promoting ease of doing business and facilitating access to services for MSMEs within their jurisdiction, such as Business Registration Assistance, Business Advisory Services, Business Information and Advocacy, and Monitoring and Evaluation (of business-process improvement for MSMEs).♦

Date of release: 12 November 2018