Zero to Hero: BayaNigosyante Letter Guide to Success: A-Z Tips from Filipino Entrepreneurs
In times of crisis, it is the entrepreneurs who rise up and take action to create opportunities for themselves and their communities.
Amidst the pandemic, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) continued to implement various programs and projects to ensure the efficient delivery of business development services nationwide. The DTI has put together specific interventions to help mitigate the impact and risks of COVID-19 to its stakeholders, particularly Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
This publication, BayaNigosyante, features the inspiring stories of 32 MSMEs, representing the 16 regions of the country who were able to overcome various crises, not just the pandemic but other equally great challenges, and turned these into windows of opportunity.
There are those who started with meager capital but were able to rise up to be among the top manufacturers in their sector. There are individuals who started with very little understanding of business and yet emerged to become entrepreneur-mentors.
Some individuals banded together to form cooperatives to achieve something they would never have been able to do on their own, while others discovered that as long as they had the appropriate support system, they could accomplish anything.
These anecdotes demonstrate how these heroes rose from a zero state to become leaders in their field.
So if you’re feeling down about your business during these tough times, remember that you’re not alone. Take inspiration from these amazing entrepreneurs and let their stories motivate you to keep pushing forward.
After all, as they say, every hero has a story. And yours is just waiting to be written.