Fair Trade


Consumer Related

Department Administrative Order No. 22-11

The New Technical Regulation Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Pressure Vessels, Systems, Services and Ancilliary Products

Date of Issuance: July 19, 2022

Draft DAO on DTI Plate as of January 29, 2021

Mandatory Display and Posting of DTI Plate of Recognition by Holders of Certificates of Recognition Issued by the Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau of the Department of Trade Industry.

Department Administrative Order No. 20-02, S.2020

Revised Rules of Mediation and Adjudication of DTI.

Date of Issuance : February 7, 2020

Department Administrative Order No. 14-3, s. 2014

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10642, an Act Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Purchase of brand new Motor Vehicles

Date of Issuance – November 17, 2014

Department Administrative Order 13-02, s. 2013

Amendments to Certain Provisions of:1. Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 05, series of 2007 (“Rules on Mediation in the Resolution of Inquiries, Complaints and/or Cases Filed the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws Supplementing Department Administrative Order No. 07, series of 2006”); and2. Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 07, series of 2006 (“Instituting the Simplified and Uniform Rules of Procedure for Administrative Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws”)

Date of Issuance – December 18, 2013

Department Administrative Order No. 14-4, s. 2014

Amendments to the Department Administrative Order No. 14-3 series of 2014 (DAO 14-3, s. 2014) otherwise known as the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No.10642, an Act Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Purchase of brand new Motor Vehicles

Date of Issuance – December 15, 2014

Department Administrative Order No. 10-04, s. 2010

Guidelines on the Issuance, Use and Redemption of Gift Checks, Certificates of Gift Cards in accordance with Republic Act No. 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes

Date of Issuance – June 25, 2010

Department Administrative Order No. 10-02, s. 2010

Addenda to Department Administrative Order No. 2, series of 1993 or the Rules and Regulations implementing Republic Act No. 7394, otherwise known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines particularly Chapter VI thereof on Sales Promotion

Date of Issuance – February 12, 2010

Department Administrative Order No. 09-09, s. 2009

Amending Section 6 of DAO No. 10, series of 2002, as amended by DAO No. 7, series of 2003 (Amending Department Administrative Order No. 16, series of 1990 – Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Consumer Organizations pursuant to Letter of Instructions No. 1337, to include General Provisions; New Accreditation Procedures and Conditions of Accreditation; Duties and Responsibilities of Accredited Consumer Organizations; and Roles of the Department of Trade and Industry) for the Purpose of Modifying Qualification of an Applicant

Date of Issuance – November 3, 2009

Department Administrative Order No. , s. 2008

Addenda to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7394, otherwise known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines or the Department Administrative Order No. 2, series of 1993 on the Matter of Chapter IV on Labeling and Fair Packaging

Date of Issuance – January 21, 2008

Department Administrative Order No. 06, s. 2007

Revised Schedule of Administrative Fines for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and some Trade and Industry Laws

Date of Issuance – August 24, 2007

Department Administrative Order No. 05, s. 2007

Rules on Mediation in the Resolution of Inquiries, Complaints and/or Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws Supplementing Department Administrative Order No. 07, series of 2006

Date of Issuance – July 19, 2007

Department Administrative Order No. 07, s. 2006

Instituting the Simplified and Uniform Rules of Procedure for Administrative Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws

Date of Issuance – July 14, 2006

Department Administrative Order No. 07, s. 2003

Amending Certain Provisions of Department Administrative Order No. 10, series of 2002 entitled “Amending Department Administrative Order No. 16, series of 1990 (Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Consumer Organizations pursuant to LOI 1337, to include General Provisions; New Accreditation Procedures and Conditions of Accreditation; Duties and Responsibilities of Accredited Consumer Organizations; and Roles of the Department of Trade and Industry”

Date of Issuance – September 4, 2003

Department Administrative Order No. 10, s. 2002

Amending Department Order No. 16, series of 1990 – Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Consumer Organizations pursuant to LOI 1337, to include general provisions; new accreditation procedures and conditions of accreditation; duties and responsibilities of accredited consumer organizations ; and Roles of the Department of Trade and Industry

Department Administrative Order No. 08, s. 2002

Rules and Regulations Implementing Article 53 of the Consumer Act of the Philippines (R.A. 7394) in Relation to Section 8 Rule II, Chapter I, Title III of Department Administrative Order No. 2, series of 1993 Prohibiting Chain Distribution Plans or Pyramid Sales Schemes in the Sale of Consumer Products

Date of Issuance – August 28, 2002

Department Administrative Order No. 1, s. 1994

Designating DTI Regional/Provincial Directors as NCAC Coordinators

Date of Issuance – January 5, 1994

Department Administrative Order No. 3, s. 1993

Amending Department Order No. 124, series of 1992

Date of Issuance – June 30, 1993

Department Administrative Order No. 2, s. 1993

Rules and Regulations implementing Republic Act No. 7394, Otherwise known as The Consumer Act of the Philippines

Date of Issuance – June 10, 1993

Department Administrative Order No. 2, s. 1991

Amending the Provisions of Commerce Administrative Order No. 2, series of 1962 as amended, governing the packaging, labeling, marking or branding of products manufactured in and/or imported in the Philippines

Date of Issuance – February 7, 1991

Department Administrative Order No. 14, s. 1990

Modifying Ministry Order No. 69 Series of 1983, to include provisions of the New Civil Code on Warranties of a Seller and Batas Pambansa Bilang 8 in the enumeration of “Trade and Industry Laws”

Date of Issuance – November 28, 1990

Department Administrative Order No. 1, s. 1990

Creation of Special Task Forces and Guidelines on the implementation of National Emergency Memorandum Order No. 7, entitled “Directing emergency measures to protect the people from hoarding, profiteering, injurious speculations, manipulation of prices and other pernicious practices affecting the supply of palay and rice”

Date of Issuance – February 12, 1990

Price Related

DTI-DA-DOH-DENR-DOE Joint Administrative Order No. 13-1, s. 2013

Amendments to the DTI, DA, DOH, DENR Joint Administrative Order No. 1. series of 1993 (JAO 1, s. 1993) otherwise known as the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7581 (Price Act)

Date of Issuance – December 16, 2013 

Department Administrative Order No. 09-07, s. 2009

Deputation of All Field Personnel of the National Bureau of Investigation to strictly implement the Provisions of R.A. No. 7581, otherwise known as the “Price Act”

Date of Issuance – October 2, 2009

Department Administrative Order No. 09-06, s. 2009

Directing All Market Administrators to strictly implement the Provisions of R.A. No. 7581, otherwise known as the “Price Act”

Date of Issuance – September 30, 2009

Department Administrative Order No. 10, s. 2006

Reiterating the Rules on Price Tags/Labels and Providing Prohibition Against the Imposition of a Surcharge, Extra Charge or Additional Charge in the Use of Credit/Automated Teller Machine (ATM)/Debit Cards for Payment of Purchases of Consumer Products or Services

Date of Issuance – October 18, 2006

Department Administrative Order No. 09, s. 2002

Providing Rules on Price Tags/Labels Authorizing the use of Shelf Pricing in combination with Modern Technology for Automatic Product Identification

Date of Issuance – September 10, 2002

Department Administrative Order No. 4, s. 1999

Amending the provisions of Department Administrative Order No. 2, series of 1993 specifically Section 1, Rule XI, Chapter IV, Title III thereof (Requiring Clear Indication of Prices in Price Tags, Lists) and Rule IV, Chapter VI, Title III thereof (Price Advertising)

Date of Issuance – April 27, 1999