Maria Teodora “Majoye” C. Carandang, co-owner of Carandang Silogan in Tiaong, Quezon, has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a diploma in hospitality management. She spent 12 years working at a bank and 5 years as an OFW. She decided to start her own business so she could manage her time and run a hands-on business while still caring for her family.
They suffered obstacles and failures when they first started out, especially when the pandemic hit, but they persevered because they trusted their products and their market potential. She enrolled in the Kapatid Mentor ME Program to develop her abilities and prepare for the future. She gained a better understanding of product creation and marketing, particularly how to reach the market via digitalization. KMME has served as a gateway for her to connect to more opportunities throughout time. ♦
Date of Release: 27 October 2021