This site was developed to provide information to micro. small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) on the different technology tools, applications, platforms and resources available in coping with the challenges and disruptions brought by the community quarantine.
Most of the tools or solutions are free (sign-in required) while others have corresponding fees. They are categorized based on functionality across multiple categories such as e-commerce, e-payment, digital marketing, logistics, work from home collaboration tools, productivity tools, webinars, finding an expert and government resources.
Note: The resources here are provided for information on a multitude of other available platforms or resources that will help MSMEs go digital. The listing is not to be taken as a form of endorsement or recommendation of DTI . Companies are also reminded to carry out due diligence when engaging the providers of these solutions.
Deliver your goods through logistics providers and leave your worries of going thru checkpoints, etc. and ensure fast and efficient delivery of your products.
The Tech Tools for MSMEs was developed to provide information to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) on the different technology tools, applications, platforms, and resources available in coping with the challenges and disruptions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and promote MSME digital and technology adoption.
Several tools are available and categorized based on functionality across multiple categories such as e-commerce, e-payment, digital marketing, logistics, work from home collaboration tools, productivity tools, document and file sharing, content development tools, webinars/ videos, e-learning, find an expert, APEC MSME Marketplace, safe management, financing opportunities, other technology tools, and government resources.
Are the tools free to use?
Yes, most of the tools or solutions are free (sign-in required) while others have corresponding fees if one wants additional functionalities. The tools are provided to give information on a multitude of other available platforms or resources that will help MSMEs go digital. The listing is not to be taken as a form of endorsement or recommendation of DTI. Companies are also reminded to carry out due diligence when engaging the providers of these solutions.
How can my business be included in Tech Tools for MSMEs?
To be included in the Tech Tools, your tools, solutions, and services must be able to provide solutions to MSMEs that will assist them in coping with the challenges and disruptions due to the pandemic and promote MSME digitalization. Products, services, tools, and platforms should fall under the following categories: e-commerce, e-payment, digital marketing, logistics, productivity tools, work from home collaboration tools, document and file sharing, safe management, content development tools, e-learning among others.
What are the requirements for a business to be considered in Tech Tools?
To be considered in Tech Tools, interested parties must provide a background of their company, registration and other legal documents, a description of the tools, solutions, and services to be featured on the site, and how they would help the MSMEs including its benefits, information if the solutions are for free or if there are certain fees to be paid. The link to the tools, solutions, and services should be provided.
The DTI shall assess the request for inclusion based on the information provided.
Whom do we contact if I want my business included in the Tech Tools for MSMEs?
You may directly coordinate with the DTI-Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development via email address
Do we need to submit any report to DTI once my business is part of the Tech Tools?
Yes, the DTI may request reports or data analytics to include the number of MSMEs that have signed in and availed of the tools, solutions, and services, including their location and industry sector after the inclusion of your business in the Tech Tools.