Group photo of the Assessors, Experts, and Accreditation Evaluation Panel Members under the PAB’s Management System Accreditation Division (MSAD)

On May 16, 2024, the Department of Trade and Industry – Philippine Accreditation Bureau (DTI-PAB) hosted a forum for its Technical Assessors, Experts, and Accreditation Evaluation Panel members specifically for the accreditation of Certification Bodies and Verification Bodies at the DTI International Building in Gil Puyat, Makati City. The event aimed to bolster the capabilities of participants in conducting evaluations and assessments, deepen their understanding of accreditation standards, foster collaboration, and enhance the overall accreditation process.

The forum commenced with a warm welcome from PAB’s Director, James E. Empeño, who underscored the vital role of the participants in the accreditation process in maintaining quality and competence across various sectors. His remarks set an optimistic tone for a day filled with insightful discussions and interactive sessions.

Ms. Maria Juanita P. Carpio, Chief of PAB-MSAD, followed with a comprehensive presentation on the bureau’s mandate and the pivotal role of accreditation in everyday life. She explained how accreditation ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of products and services, thereby building trust and confidence among consumers and stakeholders. Ms. Carpio also provided an in-depth overview of various accreditation standards, detailing their applications and benefits. This segment was instrumental in deepening participants’ understanding of how these standards contribute to quality assurance and continuous improvement across industries.

A highlight of the forum was an engaging group activity focused on the practical application of assessment principles. Participants were divided into groups and tasked with developing and presenting their outputs on specific assessment scenarios. These presentations were reviewed and critiqued by peers, creating a collaborative learning environment that emphasized the practical application of theoretical concepts.

The forum successfully achieved its objectives, enhancing the skills and knowledge of technical assessors and experts, promoting a deeper understanding of accreditation standards, and encouraging collaboration among professionals. This initiative by the DTI-PAB is a significant step towards ensuring high standards of quality and reliability in the accreditation process.

Release Date: 22 May 2024.