PASAY CITY — With the theme “Unifying Creative Agenda, Elevating Filipino Creativity,” the 2nd Philippine Creative Industries Summit (PH CIS 2023) held on 7-8 March 2023 at the Reception Hall of the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Pasay City. In partnership with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts and British Council, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) gathered more than 400 creative stakeholders and institutional partners to boost the economy and promote the development of the creative industries in the country. 

President Ferdinand Marcos congratulates the PCIDA Champions during his message for the 2nd Creative Industries Summit

In a video message, His Excellency President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr. underscored the importance of having an all-inclusive platform where creative industry players and policymakers can discuss the current landscape of the creative economy, reveal the emerging trends and opportunities, and fortify synergies in the creative ecosystem. 

“With this comes a unified effort to craft initiatives and programs essential to the growth of the creative sector and generate countless opportunities for you, our creative stakeholders,” President Marcos said. 

“I fully support and recognized the creative industry, not only as an active contributor to economic growth but also as a driving force that gives soul to the Filipino identity,” President Marcos added. 

Presidential Adviser on Creative Communications Secretary Paul David Soriano, who personally graced the event, described the Philippine creative industries as large, diverse, dynamic, and growing and promoted a collaborative effort between the government and creative industry players. 

“As we proudly enjoy international recognition, back home, there are challenges that we must solve, and we must face. There is a great need to develop the full potential of our creative industries. There is a great need to enhance its competitive advantage, and there have to be improved measures that will continue to recognize world-class Filipino talents and craftsmanship,” Sec. Soriano shared. 

[Front] Presidential Adviser for Creative Communications Paul David Soriano and Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual with [Second Row] Cong. Christopher De Venecia, Sen. Koko Pimentel, and Sen. Loren Legarda join the Ceremony of Commitment and Support for the Philippine Creative Industries. 

The two-day event aimed to explore the new technologies and their impact on the creative industry, learn from experts and practitioners who have successfully integrated technology and culture in their work, and discuss how stakeholders can collaborate with ASEAN Member States, Korean Government, British Government, among others, to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. 

As part of the program, DTI, through its Competitiveness and Innovation Group (CIG), held a Ceremony of Commitment and Support with Philippine Creative Industries Development Act (PCIDA) legislators and champions to celebrate the passage of the law and launch the Malikhaing Pinoy Program. 

PCIDA Champions proudly present their hand mold frames as proof of their commitment and support to the Philippine creative industry players and stakeholders. 

Joining DTI Secretary Alfredo Pascual (DTI) and Undersecretary Rafaelita Aldaba in the hand-molding ceremony were Senate President Pro-Tempore Loren Legarda, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr., Congressman Christopher de Venecia, Congressman Francisco Benitez, Presidential Adviser for Creative Communications Paul David Soriano, National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) Chairperson Victorino Manalo, Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) Director-General Rowel Barba, Department of Tourism (DOT) Director Paulo Benito Tugbang, Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) Director Emmy Lou Delfin, Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Julius Leaño Jr., and former DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez. 

Usec. Aldaba expressed her utmost gratitude to all organizations and distinguished guests who made the PH CIS 2023 possible and brought together a diverse group of artists, creators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, researchers, educators, and stakeholders from different sectors and industries to share their insights, experiences, and best practices in harnessing the fusion of creativity and innovation.  

With support from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts and British Council, the CIS is a two-day event aimed at celebrating the passage of the Philippine Creative Industries Development Act (PCIDA) or the Republic Act No. 11904 and elevating Filipino creativity by forming a unified front in the development of the creative industries. 

The details of the PH CIS 2023, including the program of activities and speakers, are published at *

Date of release: 20 March 2023